Many families of profoundly gifted (or PG) kids find themselves struggling to find the right educational fit for their learners, especially if the child is also twice-exceptional (or 2e). We live from year to year, knowing that what is working now (if anything is!) will probably not work forever. Do we focus on the social aspects, sending them to a public school (hopefully with gifted opportunities, if we’re lucky), knowing that they will be bored and unengaged at best and completely checked out at worst, and supplement at home? Do we find somewhere with rigorous academics, knowing that there will still likely be too much repetition and too little critical thinking? Do we leave “the system” entirely and forge our own path?
There are a few schools that cater to PG or 2e populations, but it’s tough when a child is dealing with both. They need the deep inquiry and fast pace of the intellectual content, but also opportunities to explore their strengths and support for their areas of challenge. The Davidson Institute has some suggestions for families to consider on their blog.
Here are a few programs that are mentioned frequently in the parent communities:
Davidson Academy: free public school for PG students located in Reno, NV
Davidson Academy Online: private online school for PG students
Herberger Young Scholars Academy: private school for PG students located in Glendale, AZ
Bridges Academy LA and Bridges Academy Seattle: private schools for 2e students in Seattle and LA
FlexSchool: private school for 2e learners located online and in-person in NY and NJ
Big Minds Unschool: private school for 2e learners with online and in-person programs in CA
Ignite Learning Academy: online private school with a gifted cohort
Programs that friends and I are considering or have considered in the Puget Sound area:
Northshore Family Partnership: homeschool/public school partnership in Woodinville, WA
LEADPrep: private microschool in Seattle and Kirkland, WA
Brightmont Academy: private 1:1 school in Redmond, WA
Seattle Academy: private 6-12 preparatory school in Seattle, WA with strong arts emphasis and learning supports
Montessori Children’s House: private PK-8 Montessori school in Redmond, WA
Seabury School: private PK-8 gifted school in Tacoma, WA
Most of us have come to accept that there’s no magical “right” fit for each child. It’s about finding a fit that protects their mental and physical well-being to the greatest extent possible, and then bolstering the pieces that are missing on your own (whether that is academics, social, or special interests).